Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blu Gilliand Joins White Cat Magazine as Our New Book Reviewer

Blu Gilliand is a marvelously thoughtful reviewer and we're happy to have him on board over at White Cat Magazine.  He's already reviewed several books for us and he did such a great job we just had to ask him to join us.  Being a serious reviewer like Blu takes a lot of talent, and a passion for books.

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting him yet, here's his bio:

"As a reader and writer, Blu Gilliand's interests range far and wide, from the classics of Hemingway and Faulkner, to the adventurous non-fiction of Jon Krakauer and Susan Casey, to the four-color exploits from Dark Horse and IDW. But his heart lies in horror, thanks to a chance encounter many years ago with Stephen King's Pet Sematary. That book set him on a course leading to his current work as a writer of fiction (for Shroud magazine, Dark Discoveries magazine, and several anthologies and websites) and non-fiction (for Horror World,, Ain't It Cool News, and many others). Last year he started his own blog devoted to horror and crime fiction, October Country, as a further outlet for his interviews, reviews and rambling.

Blu lives in the great state of Alabama with his wife, their twin daughters, and an ever-expanding cast of pets. In his spare time (ha!) he enjoys photography, movies, taking the kids to the park and heading down the interstate to the beach every chance he gets."


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Welcome, Blu!

Charles Gramlich said...


Bonnee Crawford said...

Hi Blu! Your name is cool :)